The Digital Technologies curriculum combined with a range of digital technology ensures that the students at Christ the King Primary School are developing the knowledge and skills that will prepare them for their future.
The Digital Technologies curriculum is integrated across all learning areas and students use a suite of digital devices to enhance their learning, developing their ability to think critically and creatively. We aim to enhance learning through the use of technologies by planning tasks where students create and become producers of technology, rather than consumers of technology. Students are supported to use digital technology to design solutions to problems.
The school provides a range of hardware such as:
While we still explicitly teach the individual hardware units, we aim to give students options to use any resource that suits their purpose. By exposing the students to a range of technology, students think critically about the device that would be most suitable for their problem or project. They are also given the opportunity to think creatively as to how they will apply the chosen application or hardware to the problem. Christ the King partners with other schools and educational institutions to share resources and extend our knowledge.
Students are involved in coding and programming using iPads, Chromebooks and robots. They use a variety of apps, websites and coding blocks to support the learning process. The students also use the Google Suite to produce documents, slideshows and spreadsheets which they are then able to access at home using their school account.
Pedagogy coaches support teachers to ensure that there is a consistent approach throughout the school in regards to the learning and teaching of digital technology. Staff choose their own goal, and with the support of the pedagogy coach, are empowered learn about new technology, think through problems and make links to broader curriculum where appropriate. As we use a ‘blended coaching’ approach, ‘coachees’ also have the opportunity to have new skills modelled for them.