Cohort Teaching Approach

At Christ the King, we are dedicated to providing authentic learning experiences for students of all abilities. One of the ways we achieve this is through our cohort teaching model, a dynamic approach that supports and challenges students at their individual points of need.

Our teachers use a range of assessment methods to understand where each student is in their learning. During team planning and Data Meetings, staff collaborate to analyze this data, identifying strengths, areas for further support, and the next steps for each student. This data-driven approach informs the creation of flexible cohort groups tailored to student needs.

In practice, students transition between different classrooms, interacting with various teachers and peers in key learning areas like Reading, Writing, Spelling, and Mathematics. Each Learning Community from Prep to Year Six benefits from additional teaching support, ensuring smaller groups and more personalized learning.

At the conclusion of each unit, post-assessments measure progress, and results are shared with the school community. This continuous cycle of assessment, learning, and communication helps us provide a tailored learning experience that fosters both personal and academic growth