Physical Education

Christ the King offers a comprehensive Physical Education program that allows children to participate at their own level of competency, whilst striving to reach their maximum potential.

Each Grade level participates in a 60 minute Physical Education lesson each week involving fitness, ball handling and minor and major games. They learn the fundamental skills of locomotion, ball control, throwing, tracking, kicking and striking.

Girl's Football Competition

Christ the King also offers the students the chance to participate in:

  • Athletics Sports Carnival

  • Inter-School Sport (Years 5 and 6)

  • School Cross Country Event

  • Perceptual Motor Program (Fine and Gross Motor Skills Prep-2)

  • Running Club (Organised by Student Leadership Team each Wednesday & Friday morning)

  • Basketball and Netball Round Robins

  • Football and Cricket Clinics run by the Newcomb Football Club

In Athletics and Cross Country all students have the opportunity to progress through to the District, Division, Regional and State Competitions.